17è Cros Comarcal de la Roca del Vallès

La Roca del Vallès 28/01/2024
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (358)
  • 358 of 451
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 358 from 358
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
256 356 abiri, haron 00:07:01
26 435 aguilar sanchez, carla 00:01:41
212 91 alarcón cano, martina 00:05:33
90 311 albacete grau, marti 00:02:49
194 138 alfonso hiraldo, nora 00:04:54
355 264 amazou el lohua, sara 00:17:08
47 428 ameur mendez, eiden 00:02:05
182 99 antequera heredia , júlia 00:04:38
125 100 antequera heredia, berta 00:03:14
352 400 argent ucles, natalia 00:15:44
287 237 arquillo cornet, eric 00:07:58
70 159 arroyo pujadas, alma 00:02:38
171 112 aznar i sala, marc 00:04:24
22 362 barrero ramírez , lucas 00:01:35
12 119 bellavista magariño , chloe 00:01:28
74 54 bellido toral, adriana 00:02:41
306 2 blanco gutierrez, noa 00:08:32
207 207 blanco guzmán , berta 00:05:24
253 79 blazquez font, adrià 00:06:55
275 375 boixareu i mor, ignasi 00:07:39
346 374 boixareu i mor, josep 00:13:00
165 58 bonet miranda, kilian 00:04:17
356 380 bonillo laso, adrià 00:17:46
289 416 borrel gonzales, max 00:08:00
105 398 caballeira pontes, valeria 00:02:56
Shown results:
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