17è Cros Comarcal de la Roca del Vallès

La Roca del Vallès 28/01/2024
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (358)
  • 358 of 451
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 358 from 358
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
340 14 cayetano martinez, marc 00:12:05
172 394 llimargres raszkiewicz, pau 00:04:25
157 32 talavera gesa, àlex 00:03:57
159 194 freixa saera , bernat 00:04:02
160 149 juliá de sousa, mario 00:04:04
163 196 ortega núñez, erik 00:04:15
163 202 vall-llosada casajoana, bernat 00:04:15
165 58 bonet miranda, kilian 00:04:17
167 339 diaz oñate, aaron 00:04:20
168 208 delgado chaves , izan 00:04:21
171 112 aznar i sala, marc 00:04:24
172 35 muñiz mateo, egan 00:04:25
174 34 miranda casas, nil 00:04:26
155 63 pagès ciurans, guillem 00:03:54
177 317 garcia perez, pablo 00:04:28
179 33 jiménez giné, oriol 00:04:32
179 85 motera condal, max 00:04:32
181 419 piñol alvarez, biel 00:04:34
182 415 hernantes gordo, aran 00:04:38
184 421 riaño rodriguez, marc 00:04:40
187 316 gonzalez navarro, marti 00:04:45
189 305 rodriguez peñarroya, nil 00:04:48
190 302 galbany garriga, èric 00:04:49
191 300 yelpi rosas, rafa 00:04:51
195 36 krause alvarez, hector 00:04:55
Shown results:
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