12è Cros Comarcal de la Roca del Vallès

La Roca del Vallès 28/01/2018
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (288)
  • 288 of 348
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 288 from 288
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
67 356 carrasco, ona 00:02:29
128 37 rodriguez garcia, laia 00:03:53
226 267 farre chimeno, laia 00:09:27
225 98 romero meza, yuliana elizabeth 00:09:26
218 264 serra joya, paula 00:08:52
216 261 espejo ocaña, tania 00:08:44
202 91 lahosa calvo, júlia 00:07:46
100 323 viñallonga, paula 00:02:57
102 352 madera, paola 00:03:02
104 293 gómez, júlia 00:03:07
106 344 méndez, mariona 00:03:11
108 74 santana astigarra, júlia 00:03:13
123 334 ràfols, tiblet 00:03:47
126 42 rodríguez marín, irene 00:03:49
127 251 gallardo boris, carla 00:03:51
129 248 malez blasco, daniela 00:03:55
230 263 gallardo mirez, berta 00:09:36
131 178 buded espinasa, berta 00:03:57
135 309 moreno, maria 00:03:59
137 93 gálvez márquez, leyre 00:04:00
140 43 franch cabanillas, isaura 00:04:02
141 241 ruiz montemolin, eva 00:04:05
141 53 hernandez fabregas, abril 00:04:05
143 24 martin fernandez, alba 00:04:06
145 333 resina, nadia 00:04:08
Shown results:
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