16è Cros Comarcal de la Roca del Vallès

La Roca del Vallès 29/01/2023
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (304)
  • 304 of 372
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 304 from 304
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
140 48 abiri, haron 00:04:27
6 50 abiri, nora 00:00:40
47 288 acosta carvajal, agna 00:01:58
146 286 acosta carvajal, cesc 00:04:33
197 14 alarcón cano, martina 00:06:02
53 289 alonso sanchez, liam 00:02:04
88 292 alonso sanchez, vega 00:03:29
29 16 antequera heredia, berta 00:01:39
168 15 antequera heredia, júlia 00:05:01
280 168 aparicio jiménez, lucas 00:13:12
213 143 araque navarro, merce 00:06:54
228 316 arquillo cornet, eric 00:07:35
49 42 bellavista magariño, chloe 00:01:59
70 230 bellido toral, adriana 00:02:51
236 329 benktib el jibari, walid 00:07:57
205 63 bertran soto, mark 00:06:19
209 90 blanco gutiérrez, noa 00:06:32
29 146 blasco gonzalez, arlet 00:01:39
123 145 blasco gonzalez, biel 00:04:09
221 121 blazquez font, adria 00:07:11
249 266 boixareu mor, josep 00:09:07
283 183 boixareu pallarès, oriol 00:14:01
3 150 bolet marigó, èlia 00:00:38
288 108 bonillo laso, adria 00:14:16
218 278 bonillo laso, judith 00:07:00
Shown results:
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