16è Cros Comarcal de la Roca del Vallès

La Roca del Vallès 29/01/2023
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (304)
  • 304 of 372
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 304 from 304
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
262 323 martínez burgos, javier 00:11:09
182 154 conill viñamata, marc 00:05:19
153 255 serra garcía, hugo 00:04:39
156 111 borrell gonzález , max 00:04:46
160 18 santos de sande , alex 00:04:51
160 351 rodriguez casas, lluc 00:04:51
167 104 romero trillo, joan 00:05:00
170 118 cantos navarro , héctor 00:05:03
174 133 castaño grau, jan 00:05:09
177 180 garcia gonzález , gerard 00:05:12
180 8 rodríguez triviño, joel 00:05:16
183 124 morera condal, max 00:05:22
150 26 de sande saco, aitor 00:04:36
186 149 morley, sam 00:05:27
187 220 talavera gesa, àlex 00:05:29
189 173 méndez olsina, arnau 00:05:30
191 96 roman justiniano, liam 00:05:31
191 153 conill viñamata, pol 00:05:31
198 169 cruz galo , xavier 00:06:07
201 354 tartare taboas, axel 00:06:12
204 10 sarlé soto, ethan 00:06:18
265 116 parada, marc 00:11:24
34 83 jiménez manzanedo , jordi 00:01:43
151 248 guillén fernández, marc 00:04:37
147 250 villena jiménez, óscar 00:04:34
Shown results:
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