14è Cros Comarcal de la Roca del Vallès

La Roca del Vallès 26/01/2020
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (251)
  • 251 of 319
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 251 from 251
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
68 325 garcía romero, africa 00:02:42
79 324 santano ferriz, arya 00:02:53
102 323 forlada shawi, farah 00:03:09
6 322 planas garcía, beth 00:01:25
60 321 montalbán gonzález, paula 00:02:32
95 320 arenas maestre, alexia 00:03:03
86 319 subirats johé, albert 00:02:57
50 318 pastor borrell, julia 00:02:07
54 316 bolet marigó, èlia 00:02:24
96 315 rodríguez lara, andrea 00:03:04
71 314 mota centeno, martí 00:02:48
19 313 burrull pujol, ignasi 00:01:37
101 312 antequera garcía, aitana 00:03:08
29 311 piñero rodríguez, emma 00:01:43
34 310 bnijs pol, dídac 00:01:50
105 309 ponce rodríguez, rené 00:03:10
153 308 gómez fortuny, gerard 00:04:13
19 307 galbany arrabal, emma 00:01:37
16 306 sánchez sánchez, gio 00:01:33
121 305 sánchez sánchez, noah 00:03:20
178 304 piñero rodríguez, celia 00:05:26
186 303 tubio folk, aleix 00:05:59
43 302 tubio folk, nil 00:02:00
52 300 robles sanz, llucía 00:02:14
127 299 seronero, pau 00:03:32
Shown results:
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